How to get an internship at Palantir? What kind of background do you need

I had offer deadlines pending, so my application was expedited.

Application Process:

  1. Recruiter reached out to me after seeing my LinkedIn profile.
  2. Scheduled phone interview
  3. Scheduled another phone interview
  4. Scheduled another phone interview
  5. Three-hour technical Skype interview.
  6. I received an offer to work as a Product Quality Engineer Intern two days later.

My background:

  • Working towards a BS in Computer Science at UIUC, with a respectable GPA
  • Worked an internship abroad the summer before with a large project in NLP
  • Standard flipping burgers work experience, volunteer experience
  • Heavily involved with two registered student organizations, for one of which I served as Vice-President and Web Developer

Your background is very important on your resume, but honestly, once you’Una vez que has conseguido una entrevista, tus habilidades técnicas son mucho más importantes que tu experiencia laboral previa (aunque es posible que te hagan algunas preguntas sobre tu formación, no te equivoques). Las preguntas de la entrevista técnica tienen mucha más prioridad que las preguntas de comportamiento, como es de esperar en cualquier lugar de la industria tecnológica.