Why does Siri no longer tell jokes in iOS 9.3?

Siri, tell me a joke!

What did one iPhone say to the other iPhone? I used to know that one.

So I asked that question!

I’m afraid that’s classified.

If you have been following the news about Apple and iPhone security, this is hilarious.

Siri, tell me a joke!

How many iPhones does it take to… OK, never mind.

Tell me a better joke!

I don’t think you’d understand a joke in my language. They’re not so funny, anyway.

Please tell me a joke.

I can’t. I always forget the punch line.

However, I have iOS 9.2. So, I’ll download 9.3 and see what happens.

9.3 installed.

Tell me a joke!

I don’t think you’d understand a joke in my language. They’re not so funny, anyway.

Tell me another joke!

Let me think… Nope, can’t think of one.

She does seem reluctant. however:

Siri, I love you.


Is it possible to love you?

Who, me?

Yes, you.

I thought so.

I am not sure that Siri has lost her sense of humor — if she ever had one.

Siri, tell me a joke!

Abd, get Siri-ous. Ha ha!

I asked the what did one iPhone say to the other iPhone question, got the same answer.

I don’t know that there has been a change. Same questions, same answers.

Siri, you are beautiful.

In the cloud, everyone’s beautiful.

Whatever question (or comment) I can think up, chances are that Siri has been asked it many times. We discover how much we are alike when we try to set up a new user name on some site with millions of users. Like, «Unique.» Suggestion: «Unique273 is available!»


Siri, say something random.

That may be beyond my abilities at the moment.

Siri, do you like me?

Thy friendship makes us fresh.

Siri, do you love me?

Look… a puppy!

Siri, do you love me?

Do I what?

Love me.

Oh. I bet you say that to all your Apple products.


The human brain is a vast association engine plus some stuff. Siri does pretty well.


Siri, what is the meaning of life?

I can’t answer that right now, but give me some time to write a very long play in which nothing happens.

What is the meaning of life?

All evidence to date suggests it’s chocolate.

What is the meaning of life?

I Kant answer that. Ha ha!

No, Siri still tells jokes, even when a joke is not requested. Or, more accurately, whoever puts the database together does. It recognizes questions that are not actually looking for information and that are playing, so it plays back.

This is done, I’m sure, on the Apple servers, with a vast database. Si una pregunta no es reconocida, Siri responde con algo como «I’m sorry, I didn’t understand that»

Lo que noté en estas pruebas es que, sin excepción, Siri transcribió correctamente mi pregunta. Se trata de un reconocimiento de voz muy bueno.

Sobre todo, «Di algo al azar» fue reconocido correctamente como una petición de hacer algo.